It’s Alive – Introductions on Flipgrid

A response to the It’s Alive! Activity
created by Jennifer Shelswell (@Jennifer.Shelswell)

Number of views: 218

Empathize: I empathized with my students by listening to their concerns and reading through feedback that they had given me.

Define: After identifying concerns that my students had regarding online asynchronous learning, I was able to identify that my students were feeling disconnected from each other and myself in the online asynchronous learning environment. I focused on the questions “How might I reimagine what this online format might look like to promote a sense of belonging and engagement for these online learners?”

Ideate: I choose to use Flipgrid as a way to engage my students who are completing asynchronous classes, as a way to promote a sense of belonging. It is also an excellent tool for students to introduce themselves, comment on peers’ videos, collaborate and reflect on course material.

Prototype: I developed an introduction Flipgrid where students can engage with each other by introducing themselves and their name and listing one unique thing about themselves. They then can comment and reply to their peers’ posts.

Test: I plan to test my Flipgrid out with my students in the upcoming courses that I am teaching this summer and fall.

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