It’s Alive Technology Creation

A response to the It’s Alive! Activity
created by Valerie Watts (@vwatts)

Number of views: 208

My learner challenge was finding a way to motivate students to complete tasks, such as extra practice problems, when those tasks do not count towards the final grade.  In math,  students need to complete a lot of extra practice to really master the content, especially if the students have weak math skills or lack confidence in their math abilities.  I certainly understand the students’ point-of-view:  when you already have a lot of pressures on your time, you do not want to spend what little time you have on something that will not impact your grade.  Unfortunately, students do not realize that practicing, or not practicing, has a fundamental impact on their grade.

I have always assigned homework problems out of the textbook for each week, but I know that students rarely complete these exercises.  My students complete online quizzes on the LMS for part of their grade, so I did not want to create yet another quiz for students to complete as practice.  I wanted to use technology to create a different type of practice tool that might prove more engaging to students.  I decided to use H5P, a technology tool that I have used in the past, to create an interactive activity for students to practice solving annuity problems.   I created a crossword puzzle where the clues are annuity questions and the answers go into the crossword.  Although I have used H5P before, I have never used the crossword puzzle.  This was a fairly straightforward tool to use because H5P generates the crossword for you based on the clues you create.  The only problem was that the clues can only be so long because of the limit on the number of characters used in the clue.  With a few adjustments to the wording, I was able to make it work for some of the longer questions.  But this type of activity would be impractical for some other topics because the questions require a lot more explanation and would not fit into the available space for the clue.

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