It’s Alive!!!! Well… it’s underway

A response to the It’s Alive! Activity
created by Haley Whitelaw (@hwhitelaw)

Number of views: 325

Course: Dining & Customer Service for Aviation (COMM1139)

Empathize: The students are expected to learn practical skills in an online theoretical model

Define: Due to covid-related restrictions, their time in labs (on the aircraft, in a dining setting) is limited

Ideate: I applied to work with the OER design studio because I do not yet have the skills necessary to bring my idea to life

Prototype: This project requires lots of collaboration with other faculty (co-faculty & course instructor as the subject-matter expert, videographer/editor, design studio team for H5P)

Test: This content is currently being developed for a new course in a brand new program. The videos are in the process of being booked and then will turnover to the OER team by Nov 1st.

This is how I envision the end product will look like (video paused to still while students interact via H5P overlay):

How to Use and Create H5P Content in Moodle and Totara Learn (2021 Update)

Image source:

Example for "It’s Alive!!!! Well… it’s underway":