Jane’s Prototype Mind Map

A response to the Prototype Planning Activity
created by Jane Carr (@jscarr)

Number of views: 482

Here is the Document I used for the Prototype exercise.  In retrospect, I see from the comments of my facilitator and team mates that this should be narrowed down to ONE tool and the suggestion that was given that (I LOVE this one!)  TEAMS can be setup to open a Channel for the students to use to meet in — a Cafe! I plan on using this tool!

I found it hard though to imagine just the use of one tool from O365 since many of them I use simultaneously.  I can even add tools.  For example, when meeting as a class in TEAMS  chat I can quickly move from the chat to OneNote where each student has their Electronic Lab Notes and use what I discover there to commend and encourage different students on their approach to preparing for the labs.  I can also use this same approach in using O365 to immediately contact students or groups of students, privately while in the chat to quickly discuss the contents of ELN/Lab Reports.