Learning as Growing

A response to the Your Metaphor Activity
created by Sarah Darling (@SDarling)

Number of views: 248

tree, forest, branch, plant, sky, wood, sunshine, sunlight, texture, leaf, trunk, summer, foliage, green, canopy, lush, autumn, season, maple tree, treetop, bright, deciduous, grove, woodland, flowering plant, maidenhair tree, woody plant, temperate broadleaf and mixed forest, land plant, plane tree family


My current teaching philosophy is to help students grow by providing the most encouraging environment possible. Trees need sunshine, rain, and nutrients. Similarly, learners can thrive with positive encouragement, comprehensible input, and relevant practice activities. Students are rooted in their background knowledge, assumptions, and previous experiences. As a teacher, I aim to enable my students to achieve more at the end of the course, than they could before, and also to build their confidence in speaking English.

It’s a well-used metaphor, so I apologize for the lack of creativity, but what I keep returning to is the idea of a teacher encouraging growth, as is shown in this photo.






Example for "Learning as Growing":

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