Like Driving a Car Activity

A response to the Like Driving a Car Activity
created by Charlotte de Araujo (@cdearauj)

Number of views: 237

I feel, maintaining a laboratory notebook is a critical skill for a student enrolled in a science based program.  We provide students with a template to follow and remind them to make observations/record their results.

Students use the information from their laboratory notebook  in order to complete their lab reports (larger assessments).  In introductory courses, we ask students to submit sections of their laboratory notebook for review with feedback to help students practice. In third and fourth year courses, students submit their final notebook as part of an assessment. To help motivate students I also remind students that keeping a laboratory notebook is a task you will be asked to complete while working in an academic or industrial laboratory.  I have also included a link to an image (credit to Annie Spratt) which assists with my reflection.

Example for "Like Driving a Car Activity":