Like Driving a Car: Component Skills to Master Developing and Giving The Persuasive Sales Presentation

A response to the Like Driving a Car Activity
created by Karin Carter (@Kcarter1)

Number of views: 350

The B2B Sales Course that I am teaching is all about doing all the work leading up to the live sales presentation, where students are selling a retail product not yet in Canada to one of the larger Canadian retail chains for distribution. Presenting in itself paralyzes many students, so not only do I have to get them to a place where presenting is more comfortable for them, but also be capable of presenting to sell – communicating effectively, presenting persuasively and gaining agreement for sale.

Component Skills to Master Developing and Giving The Persuasive Sales Presentation
• Communicate effectively – everyone sells all the time
• Be able to identify customer needs, through effective conversation – active listening and questioning
• Being able to communicate how product(s) satisfy customer needs (match customer needs with product features, advantages and benefits ( FAB)
• The ability to read non-verbal communication (body language, tone of voice etc)
• The ability to switch roles: detective, researcher, listener, educator, entertainer, persuader, negotiator and supporter
• Ability to empathize with customers
• Understand ethical sales responsibilities
• Be familiar with the psychology of selling: why people buy, psychological and social influences on buying, attitudes and beliefs and how this affects buying
• Social style theory (present to buyers social style)
• How to effectively plan a sales call (pre-approach and approach)
• Understand the elements of effective persuasion, and incorporate into the sales presentation
• The ability understand customer objections and handle effectively (not to be afraid of them)
• Comfortably be able to close: know the most effective closing techniques, prepare multiple closing techniques, be able to close based on the situation and not be afraid of asking for the sale.
• The ability to build relationships before sale and after sale.

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