Like Teaching Computer Applications

A response to the Like Driving a Car Activity
created by Johnryl Chu (@Chrono)

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When teaching a computer related course here are some of the concepts to take note of that are similar to teaching how to drive a car:

  • Knowledge and mastery of the terms. Since the skill of driving becomes like an extension of our body, we normally forget how to actually teach certain steps are or what are the name of the individual parts. So, in teaching computer, knowing what certain icon or sections are called and what the steps to do a process is a necessity in order to be effective in teaching.
  • Similar to teaching how to drive, you cannot teach a person on how to approach or solve all scenarios or problems. What we should do is teach a person how to solve a problem by giving them a firm foundation and deep understanding of how things work.
  • There are multiple ways to solve a problem. When driving there are usually numerous pathways for someone to get from point A to point B, so similarly, in computer there are multiple ways to do a process or get a result. The same can be said, in solving problems. There is not just one method to get things done, there will always be alternatives or shortcuts.