Linda’s-Like Driving a Car-Activity

A response to the Like Driving a Car Activity
created by Linda Thomason (@lindathomason)

Number of views: 193

A concept that is like driving a car to me is The Process of Communication, from the sender encoding a message (choosing words, symbols and nonverbal elements), then selecting a channel (written, verbal, email, text), then the receiver decoding the message and providing a response or feedback all while dealing with any interfering noise. Especially in a course like Culture and Communication, it does seem like second nature to me to think about the process of communication, the context of the communication, my communication partner, the vocabulary that I am choosing, etc.

I find that novice students do not always consider all of these elements when preparing a message. One of the concepts that we talk about in this course is that “the message sent is not always the message received“.  And we try to figure out why this could be the case.  Most of the time, novice students only focus on their needs or objectives in the message without thinking about the whole process of communication and their communication partners. By looking at each step of the communication process and trying to anticipate potential misunderstandings and the best options for each stage of the process, this can help students consider other elements when crafting a message which will hopefully improve communication.

Image Reference

Communication Process. Authored by: Freedom Learning Group. Provided by: Lumen Learning. LicenseCC BY: Attribution

The Process of Communication