Linda’s Syllabus Concept Map
I love concept maps or mind maps. I find that I learn best by seeing things and how they are connected. I often create mind maps by hand because I haven’t found a perfect tool for designing them online yet. I used MindMup for this exercise but it said it was too large to save or publish or download, so I just took a screenshot.
For me this is a great idea to show my students an overview of the course.
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Marsha Appling-Nunez
Thanks for sharing. This helped me suss out my concept map for our team’s course syllabus. Any particular reason you didn’t link the skills practiced to the purple boxes?
Linda Thomason
Hi Marsha,
Thanks for your comment. No reason at all. I was just kind of thinking of the areas that I would present to my students as a kind of overview of the course. But maybe next version, I will link those as well as the assignments.