LOTTO Concept Map

A response to the Syllabus Concept Map Activity
created by Ashley Priest (@APriestGC)

Number of views: 202

This one was hard for me! I’m not a very visual thinker/learner and tend to prefer well organized text over images so concept maps have never really been my favourite, but I completely recognize how important it is to provide information through multiple means to meet the needs of diverse learners.

For this activity, I made a concept map for one of our Centre for Teaching and Learning professional development courses that I am working on – Learning Online to Teach Online. It’s meant for teachers who have not taught online before but have inherited an existing online course. The course is still in progress so the concept map isn’t necessarily complete either!

I tried to convey that the learning outcomes inform the content, which then inform the learning objectives (which then ultimately inform resource selection and activities). I honestly wasn’t sure how to link evaluation…it obviously needs to be closely related to the learning outcomes, but it is also closely related to content and activities. I added a dotted line relation but it ended up really messy looking.