Misconceptions Equal Opportunities

A response to the Misunderstood Activity
created by Marsha Appling-Nunez (@m.applingnunez)

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There are many great concepts in education. Unfortunately, we as educators realize (often with some resistance) that these concepts do not always fit perfectly into the teaching environment we are navigating. One misconception that I struggle with personally and professionally is that rooted in Prior Knowledge (PK). The all or nothing of it. Seems to represent that like the above image there was a straight line between A and B. It left me as a learner and advocate for my students feeling like something was wrong with me and/or my learners if I could not glide from A to B effortlessly. I started to question if prior knowledge really is a straight line why do so many learners struggle.

Misconceptions Equal Opportunities


Example for "Misconceptions Equal Opportunities":