My SoTL characteristics

A response to the Three Keys of SoTL Activity
created by Renee Berquist (@rberquist)

Number of views: 77

My 3 SoTL Characteristic Identifiers

  1. Focus on inquiry: asking an interesting question that is important to me. Motivated by an interest in understanding how learners learn and how teaching can influence this process.
  2. Ensuring the methodology is sound. Systematic in the evaluation process. Reflective critique.
  3. I was surprised that none of the interviewees in the video spoke about obtaining consent for research. In particular the ones that spoke about disseminating the knowledge. We cannot disseminate widely ie in an article or presentation, without ensuring that the project has been conducted in an ethical manner. Ethics approval must be obtained for all research with human subjects.


Comments from others that resonate with me include renewed excitement. I also struggle with my course content. The courses I am typically assigned are either very content heavy, (but the students are interested and mostly engaged in the content as they can see the connection to practice), or the content is not very interesting to them, relatively dry and (they cannot easily make the connection to why this is important for their practice).

Other comments that resonated with me where the ones that spoke about self-reflection. Taking the time to reflect on what worked, what didn’t, and identfying ways to revamp to re-energize and improve outcomes.

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