OERs for Authentic Assessments

A response to the Find Your Fit Activity
created by anh lam (@anhlam)

Number of views: 241

I am not familiar with most of the repositories shared and glad to try them out. I recently had a faculty ask about authentic assessments so I am using this topic for this module. My search strategy was limited since this topic is very narrow. I searched authentic assessment in the repositories. Some repositories did not provide me with suitable resources so this activity took some time to complete.

It was hard to find different types of media for this topic. The three OERs I found useful for the topic are:

1 https://news.cehd.umn.edu/fundamentals-of-authentic-assessment/

2 https://www.teaching.unsw.edu.au/authentic-assessment

3 https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/rethinkingassessment/

Example for "OERs for Authentic Assessments":
