Optional survey for student feedback

A response to the Surveying Activity
created by Charlotte de Araujo (@cdearauj)

Number of views: 249

For an online course offering, we incorporated discussion boards and an online optional Zoom session.  The Zoom sessions were case studies to discuss recent advancements made in the field. Students could watch the sessions live.  However we recorded the sessions, in case students wanted to review or revisit the material at a later date.

As this was the first time we included these components in the online course, we were interested in student feedback.  I provided an optional survey using Qualtrics and asked the students to participate in an optional survey.  The results have been shared.  As the Qualtrics survey tool was user friendly, I plan on using this online tool during the next semester to assess student opinions informally.  This was a great way to obtain feedback from the learners and the results can be used to help modify my courses for future offerings!

Example for "Optional survey for student feedback":