Passion Led Us Here

A response to the Your Metaphor Activity
created by Rochelle Hughes (@Rochelle)

Number of views: 272

When I teach, I aim to teach with passion. People can tell when you enjoy what you do and I hope that my students can tell how much I enjoy discussing the material. While I know that I am the “expert”, I recognize that I likely won’t have all the answers and I’m okay with that. I don’t mind telling students that I will figure out the answer to a question they have and get back to them. Passion definitely led me to where I am today and is the driving force behind why I do what I do. This teaching philosophy is applicable for me as a college instructor right now and as a Digital Learning Specialist where I assist instructors with digital technologies. I believe that passion has been a driving force for them as well to get them where they are today and I like to build off of that passion.

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