Patch 33

A response to the Thought Vectors and Nuggets Activity
created by Lisa Macdonald (@Lisa)

Number of views: 190


Patch 33

Reflecting on the idea of sustaining a sense of “welcome” in online courses and embracing “hospitality as pedagogy” resonates with my approach to teaching and learning. It emphasizes the importance of creating a positive and inclusive learning environment that goes beyond the initial welcome message. Here are my thoughts on this concept:

Reflecting on the idea of sustaining a sense of “welcome” in online courses and embracing “hospitality as pedagogy” resonates with my approach to teaching and learning. It emphasizes the importance of creating a positive and inclusive learning environment that goes beyond the initial welcome message. Here are my thoughts on this concept:

A Continuous Commitment: The idea of sustaining a sense of “welcome” throughout the course underscores the importance of ongoing engagement with students. It’s not just about the first day or week of the course but about consistently fostering a supportive and inclusive atmosphere.

Building Rapport: True learning often occurs in an environment where students feel comfortable, valued, and respected. Sustaining a welcoming atmosphere helps build rapport between instructors and learners, making students more inclined to actively participate and seek assistance when needed.

Invitational vs. Contractual: The distinction between “invitational” and “contractual” interactions is significant. Invitational interactions are open, warm, and encouraging, whereas contractual interactions may be more rule-bound and formal. By embracing the former, instructors can create a more inviting and engaging learning experience.

Student-Centered Approach: Focusing on hospitality as pedagogy places the learner at the center of the educational process. It encourages instructors to be responsive to students’ needs, preferences, and concerns, ultimately enhancing the learning experience.

Inclusive Learning: A sense of “welcome” is particularly crucial in diverse and inclusive classrooms. It acknowledges and respects the varied backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences that students bring to the learning environment.

Effective Online Teaching: In the context of online courses, sustaining a sense of “welcome” can be challenging but is essential. This can be achieved through regular communication, providing opportunities for interaction, offering clear and personalized feedback, and being approachable and responsive.

Motivation and Engagement: A welcoming environment can boost students’ motivation and engagement. When students feel valued and supported, they are more likely to be enthusiastic about their studies and put in the effort to succeed.

Feedback and Improvement: Continuous feedback from students is invaluable in maintaining a sense of “welcome” throughout the course. Instructors can use student input to adapt and refine their teaching methods and the course structure to better meet students’ needs.

Incorporating hospitality as pedagogy and sustaining a sense of “welcome” in online courses contributes to a more positive and effective learning experience. It not only enhances the educational journey but also promotes a culture of respect and support, creating a conducive atmosphere for learning and growth. This approach aligns with a student-centered philosophy, which I believe is crucial for meaningful and successful education.


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