Personal Reflection

A response to the Cultivate Your PLN Activity
created by Carolyn Nesbitt-Larking (@Carolyn)

Number of views: 155

Due to the fact that the teaching I do has a foundation of industry best practices, it is important to recognize that, for student success in the industry, it is important to constantly scan what is happening in the industry and try to incorporate into the classroom. There are so many changes that take place as this industry is responsive to individal needs and desires. As an example, during COVID, the industry was completely shuttered, there was no opportunity for people to actually work, we only exist when customers exist. We, as an industry, are now in the rebuilding phase and there are many changes that are taking place. During shut downs it allowed many in the industry to recreate the customer experience in the hospitaltiy industry, for many, they shuttered and never reopened. Teaching within this framework has a definite spin that does not naturally fit static learning.