Planning Prototype

A response to the Prototype Planning Activity
created by winton cape (@winton)

Number of views: 176

Technology-Enabled Activity Planning Document

This document may help you plan your creation, as well as encouraging you to estimate how much time you will need to invest.

Title: Mindmap Implementation
Tool using: Tiddlywiki – mindmap
Idea: Integrate mindmaps into the learning experience by embedding the technology into presentations and other learning experiences ( assignments, class activities)
Curriculum integration: It leverages what they already do – taking notes. However, it improves the process by allowing them to quickly grasp the material and interconnections. 


Now, identify what tasks are involved in your creation and estimate how much time it will take to complete them. It’s not a commitment to a particular approach, rather a guide for you to anticipate what will be required.

Enter an ‘X’ in any column next to a task your creation will entail, and then predict how long it will take you to do (in hours).

[ X ] Task Est. time (in hrs)
  Generate ideas 1
  Conduct research 2
  Storyboard 2.5
  Write script .5
  Find graphics (don’t forget to attribute!) .75
  Create graphics .5
  Record & edit audio 0
  Record & edit video 0
  Write copy (text) .5 
  Design website (or style web authoring tool, like Scalar or Prezi) .75
  Write code 0
  Identify and remedy any accessibility barriers (e.g. captioning) 1
  Review for errors 1