Prototyping of Perussal Activity

A response to the Prototype Planning Activity
created by Iain Robertson (@iain.robertson)

Number of views: 423

The use of Perussal will essentially replace a discussion activity that currently takes place in the course. Initial planning suggests a small pilot can be designed and delivered in 10 hours (including concurrent time for peer review). The technology is readily available and integrated into BlackBoard. The brunt of the work is in the design and delivery of the instructional activity. Here:

  1. Perussal will need to be introduced to the students. A sample may prove useful
  2. An appropriate study for group annotation should be selected. For this, I will be looking at what is available under a creative commons license. If I have time I will also confer with the program librarian.
  3. Appropriate questions will be created to foster reflection on evidence-based practice
  4. Marking criteria will be created and shared with the students. Marking will occur in Blackboard