Recruiting Interest in Library Sessions

A response to the Challenge set Activity
created by Kymberly Ash (@kash)

Number of views: 240

I chose challenge 5: recruiting interest as my UDL challenge.  As a guest speaker in classes, I try to connect my lessons directly with assignments and course content to make my lessons as relevant as possible. When I do this, I recognized that I’m limiting the benefits of my lessons only to the context of that class. I liked the idea of this challenge in asking me to consider how my content connects to real life experiences instead of just through course work. I have done some of this in the past, but not in any concentrated way, which I will try in my next guest lecture.

I’m thinking about incorporating questions to ask students about searching for information about things outside of coursework (shopping, planning for a trip, choosing a university, etc.) that make use of the same information seeking behaviours that I’m teaching in my lessons.

I think a good connection could be asking about a time when a quick Google search wasn’t enough to get the information they needed and they had to adjust or try looking somewhere else. What strategies did they use during that search?

Another connection could be when they came across an article/post on social media that sounded a bit questionable. How did they come to a clear conclusion about whether that post was true or not?

One Response to “Recruiting Interest in Library Sessions”

  1. Tatiana Sharipova

    Kimberly, this is a beautiful approach do a liaison between library services and students’ academic and life achievements.
