Response to the

A response to the Consider This Activity
created by Aaron Goldt (@agoldt)

Number of views: 100

The courses I teach are scientific in nature. It is often difficult to find images that are accurate and specific from creative commons sources as they tend to have more ‘stock’ type images.

Wikimedia Commons is one of the better sources for what I need. For this image I searched “Y chromosome”. For me it is better to stay vague and see what comes up than to include too many search terms in an attempt to focus my search.

This image would allow very specific information to be presented to my students. There are limited opportunities to include images that promote diversity and inclusion as most of the images are technical. Rarely would I include images of people other than for flavour and I tend towards minimalism don’t include flavour images often.


Author: Christinelmiller

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

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