Response to the

A response to the Find Your Fit Activity
created by Aaron Goldt (@agoldt)

Number of views: 98

I searched for resources relating to cryopreservation of cell cultures. This is a topic I teach as asynchronous so external resources are valuable here if they can help enhance learning. The best resources for this tend to come from the companies themselves or from public health bodies.

    1. This is a document form a company that sells equipment relating to cryopreservation. It is nice in that it is professionally made and geared towards a certain setup and use of this technique. Downside is that it focuses just on this companies product so may be a limited view of the topic
    1. This is one of a few youtube videos created by the European Collection of Authenticated Cell Cultures that has great imagery
    1. another supplier site that has quite a lot of content on cryopreservation and cell culturing in the form of videos and documents

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