SoTL – 5 keys

A response to the Three Keys of SoTL Activity
created by Maria Romios (@MariaR)

Number of views: 228

5 Keys of SoTL

– Inquiry/Research – reflective practice, reflection on teaching and student learning

– Addressing teaching with the research knowledge you have

– Faculty to look closely and critically at student learning – what do you do with that knowledge?

– asking interesting questions, working out methodology to answer the question

– going public, sharing


Above is my response to the 3 SoTL that I shared on the Google Doc. I chose to include 5 main points because I felt like it summarized the video and overall definition better. I noticed some other responses where done in paragraph form or stated the name of the individual who explained the idea. I felt like my points were not stated by one individual and instead more of a holistic summary of what several individuals said. I took my notes in point form and that’s why I left them like that. Several others also presented their response in point form, but I guess that comes down to the individual’s personal note talking preference. I think point form notes are more direct and more like a summary instead of having to weed through several sentences to get to the main idea.

Many of the other entires on the Google Doc were similar to mine, though sometimes worded slightly differently. I also noticed there was a section below entitled ‘3 motivations’. I assume this is for a future activity in the module which I have yet to complete. Perhaps this is due to the fact that I am progressing through the module self paced and not with the larger group.

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