Syllabus Concept Map

A response to the Syllabus Concept Map Activity
created by Tracy Bencze (@Tracy)

Number of views: 176

The concept of creating a mind map initially felt somewhat intimidating. Being a novice in mind mapping, I found myself uncertain about where to begin. However, after reviewing my course syllabus, I decided that incorporating the learning objectives for each week would offer a valuable visualization of the semester’s expectations. This approach proved beneficial not only for my own review as an instructor but also for creating a visual distinction by color coding each week’s module.

On the positive side, this allowed me a clear week by week visual roadmap for what to anticipate on a weekly basis. On the downside, it’s worth noting that I encountered challenges related to information overload and the resulting complexity of the mind map due to the amount of information and details included. This might potentially compromise its user-friendliness due to its sheer size and complexity.

To address this issue, I’m contemplating a solution involving the inclusion of a note or hyperlink for each objective. This approach would serve to condense the mind map’s content, resulting in a more structured appearance. Subsequently, I plan to integrate this visual aid within the Blackboard platform’s assessment section, making it easily accessible to students under the label ‘Weekly Learning Outcomes.’