Teacher as Compass
Similar to a travel guide or coach, I see teaching and the teacher’s role as that of navigator (or as the physical tool of a compass). While we are there to point them in the right direction, learners ultimately choose their destination and we are always there to help guide them when they need it.
Metaphor inspiration: Teacher As Compass – Guiding Your Students’ Learning
Image source: https://www.facebook.com/FriendsTX/photos/a-teacher-is-a-compass-that-activates-the-magnets-of-curiosity-knowledge-and-wis/10155748547889033/?paipv=0&eav=AfaZzoVh7ePIV4472RyXicmDb6pLY-bwZBb8UBEeO6CTvqu-tUoLY51WBMkEkNl98yc&_rdr
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