Teaching Philosophy
Part of my philosophy is that we can all learn something from each other whether educator or learner. Each of us get to the moment we are in from our experiences, and nobody has the exact experience as another, so that allows for different perspectives and opportunities for growth.
I often remind my students that it’s okay to not understand all the content because if they knew it already then, they wouldn’t need to be in my class. I also think it’s important that learners know that in most cases there are different ways to get to the answer and they need to find the path that works for them and one that they can consistently count on to get the correct or best result.
The attached quote and scene speaks to my belief that that each of us and our experiences have value and there’s always more to learn. Any body of water is like a person; we are more than what is on the surface and while a body of water is made up of droplets, life and many other things, in the end, it’s all connected and part of something greater.
Baker, D. (n.d.) https://quotefancy.com/quote/1649234/Dusty-Baker-Everybody-knows-something-and-nobody-knows-everything
Photo credit: Jan Erik Waider
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