Thought Vectors and Nuggets: Patch 38 Vulnerability and self-care

A response to the Thought Vectors and Nuggets Activity
created by Renee Berquist (@rberquist)

Number of views: 82

Thought Vectors and Nuggets: Patch 38: Vulnerability and self care

For me, it is a moment by moment choice to take care and show kindness to myself in hopes I’ll be better positioned to share kindness and care for the people around me.
This title grabbed my attention! I spend a lot of time speaking to my students about self care and how important this is. The analogy of putting your oxygen mask on first on a plane helps demonstrate how important this is. It is not selfish to take care of ourselves. Compassion fatigue is experienced by caregivers who do not take the time to ensure adequate self care. My students come from various backgrounds, some single parents, some caring for elderly parents, experiencing grief and loss in their personal lives, wanting to help others. Caregivers can be the worst at taking care of themselves. Students get so overwhelmed by the workload that they can neglect exercise, sunshine, eating healthy, sleep, etc. and I work hard to try to help them to see these activities are inextricably linked with success in the program and in life.

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