Troubleshooting WIIFM?

A response to the WIIFM Activity
created by Sean Morrison (@SeanMorrison)

Number of views: 367

One of the courses I wrote forĀ  our Avionics program is “Troubleshooting”. I use this textbook by a Canadian named James Dors if anyone is curious ( We start by teaching them a general approach to troubleshoot any problem, then narrow the focus to expedite the process on airplanes. Considering the WIIFM student approach, there are many things we must teach our students because Transport Canada says we must, despite being outdated. I chose to re-examine this course for WIIFM because of student feedback. One of my students had a clothes dryer at home that stopped working. He was able to troubleshoot it, order the right part, and fix it using the methods he learned in this class. Another student worked part-time in a restaurant kitchen. He told the class that a new manager came into the restaurant and made a bunch of changes to the way they did things. Our student saw that his new manager was using the same principles outlined in our course. The most rewarding part of my job is when students explain to me, from a WIIFM viewpoint, the value they see.