Using Flipgrid to Create Improved Classroom Community: Meet Them Where They Are

A response to the Prototype Planning Activity
created by Sandra Neubauer (@sneubauer)

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Using Flipgrid to Create Improved Classroom Community: Meet Them Where They Are

When teaching online, in a world where many students do not turn on their video feeds to show their faces in class, I want to find a way to build more classroom community both student-to-student and also student-to-teacher. The goal is to meet them where they are (Instagram, Tik Tok!) by offering them a place to create a short video clip to introduce themselves to me and the rest of the class. A basic concept yes, but should serve my purpose if I can get all or most students to participate and if I make the activity fun. I plan to give the students a set of guided ‘introduce yourself’ questions so they have a starting point and don’t get stuck.

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