Welding PPE Images

A response to the Consider This Activity
created by Elizabeth Stanley (@Penny123)

Number of views: 419

The majority of my students are mechanical engineers.  Many have a background in welding.  In using welding examples I want to ensure that they realize the importance of appropriate personal protective equipment.  I find that showing images of welders using PPE generates good discussions.

One Response to “Welding PPE Images”

  1. Elizabeth Stanley

    I should have noted that I searched first using Google “and” and then tried Creative Commons. I did not find any appropriate welding images in Creative Commons. I then tried Unsplash.com and found an excellent image. Unfortunately the image was too large and could not be loaded into the Extend website so I returned to my Google image. I did search for this Google image indicating that I was searching for an image which was openly licensed.


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