WIIFM – RRT students learning anatomy and physiology

A response to the WIIFM Activity
created by Sam Gennidakis (@SGennidakis)

Number of views: 175

What’s in it for me?  List for Respiratory Therapy students learning cardiorespiratory anatomy and physiology

  • Learn more about patient cardiorespiratory conditions, their affect on the body and how they manifest in clinical symptoms when abnormal so they can recognize when they are occurring in patients.
  • Learning of relevant anatomical and physiological features and processes to help explain possible reasons for patient conditions being exhibited and how to focus their care.
  • Greater awareness of diagnostic and assessment tools that exist to help me decide how best to determine the causes of patient condition as well as the appropriate techniques to help improve their condition
  • Making connection between theory and practical assessment and application of respiratory care devices (i.e., the effect of oxygen therapy, ventilators and other respiratory care devices) to improve patient outcomes.
  • Greater awareness of their profession and role- learning about different parts of the work or scope of the practice and my responsibilities in patient care?
  • Learning how to problem solve based on patient case information and determine appropriate care plans
  • Learning about guidelines of care and being able to understand current research in relation to key cardiorespiratory pathologies.
  • Gain insight of alternate health professions and their role in the care of the same patients that they may also provide care towards.

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