Writing Support for ESL college students and Much More_PadLet

A response to the Padlet Padlet Activity
created by Tatiana Sharipova (@note2tatiana)

Number of views: 95

I have experimented with PadLet in the curator module, and I really liked it functionality and collaborative side.

I have decided to start a padlet for the resources  i like the most and share it with our faculty.

I know have posted everything on one padlet: resources on writing, note taking and research; accounting resource and business resources.

This tool has a visual appeal to me too, and I like the “voting” option for the resource. It makes easier for me to recommend “one starting point” to all faculty to look for resources. And serves as a library for my school.

In the writing support resources – I have posted all the OERs related to this subject, along with the practical exercises on plagiarism and citation (this is something our students are struggling with). I have also added a research skills resource for students. This is very much in demand as the information literacy skills of international students are differ from the ones who have gone to  local high school).

I intend on sharing this resource with our faculty and i am currently working on adding resource  on debated and the art of informal remark. Thank you



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