“Your Metaphor” Activity ‘ Crawl before you Walk’
“Your Metaphor” Activity
‘ Crawl before you Walk’ Explain the analogy in writing and include a visual metaphorical representation of this analogy >>Crawl before you walk and take steps (stages), then refine a final product to increase productivity.
Narrate why this image represents you and your approach as a teacher.>> How to form team roles on a new team. Many groups jump into roles they think they are best suited for. It is best to take a ‘crawl before you walk’ approach.
expand on how you would explain your concept through an analogy. >> I suggest you take ‘Baby steps and crawl before you walk’. Understand each other’s strengths and preferences and then form roles from those qualities. Work on a few activities together, take a survey, then assign team roles. Think of what is best for team productivity and how to leverage each member’s skills.
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