Resource Evaluation for PM 101

A response to the Holy CRAAP! Activity
created by Victoria Workman (@Victoria Workman)

Number of views: 112

I vaguely knew of the CRAAP text previously, but studied it in more depth this past year.  I was so pleased to have a deeper review of this tool during the Curator module.  I chose to evaluate an OER open textbook resource using the CRAAP test.  I found CRAAP to be incredibly helpful for this task when evaluating an entire resource such as a textbook.  The field of project management is part of a professional body of knowledge, and knowing the resource content aligns with that also supports the credibility of information.

To complete a more detailed review of one particular learning concept within the OER, I feel the Achieve OER rubric could be used.  This is a much deeper analysis that results in an overall rating ranging from “superior” to “weak”.  This rubric is more extensive and thus time-consuming so may not be possible for an entire resource.  It would be essential if curating new content, however, when developing a course from concept stage.

Reflection:  In summary, my confidence level in curation has increased over the course of these activites.  I now have knowledge of repositories and sources for many more resources than I previously knew about.  Evaluation of these resources is critical, and I also want to encourage my learners to use this critical thinking, and may incorporate the CRAAP test in an upconing research project.  Especially today, with the advent of fake news, assessing what we see and read has never been more important.

Padlet:  I also updated the padlet entry with additonal comments as follows:

“Upon reviewing the Adrienne Watt “Project Management” resource, I found it to be an excellent primer for my “Intro to Project Management” course, focused on PM 101 for business students”. Passed the CRAAP test with flying colours!”

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