WIIFM: Nursing Research

A response to the WIIFM Activity
created by Renee Berquist (@rberquist)

Number of views: 90

What is in it for me?

I teach mainly praxis courses – those that are focused on direct nursing care, medical surgical, maternity, mental health and pediatrics. For these classes students are very interested, as the content is closely connected to their clinical practice. However, I also teach nursing research classes. And for those classes, it is much harder to get buy in for the importance of content. I frequently need to remind them why this is important in providing safe direct patient care.

WIIFM: Nursing Research

Increased understanding of evidence based care and evidence informed care = how these can influence patient care positively

Learning how to search for best evidence/best practices

Learn how to know what is and what is not quality evidence – how to critique the evidence

Learn about the different types of research (quantitative and qualitative research)

Learn how and when to advocate for changes to patient/client care and practices

Learn how to formulate a research question to aid in literature search

*RN – entry to practice competency is being able to read and critique research


When I explain all the reasons why nursing research is very relevant to providing quality care then students become more engaged in the material.

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