“Consider This” activity

A response to the Consider This Activity
created by Shaha El-Geledi (@selgeledi)

Number of views: 46


  1.  Link to the image that you have found, citing the source, creator, and license.



SOURCE: https://nappy.co/

LICENSE : CC0 1.0 Deed / CC0 1.0 Universal / Creative Commons. Public Domain.

  1. Describe how your selection would support learners’ understanding of an element or concept for a course.

The image I selected depicts a young Black father smiling while playing with his baby on a changing table. This image would support learners’ understanding of the concept of stereotypes and counterstereotypes.

One strategy to moderate stereotype activation is the promotion of couterstereotypes. Blair, Ma, & Lenton (2001) found that spending approximately five minutes creating a counterstereotypic mental image was enough to influence stereotype activation and to produce substantially weaker automatic stereotypes. Furthermore, Blair and Banaji (1996) found that inducing people to focus attention on counterstereotypic associations can combat automatic stereotypes.

Therefore, the counterstereotypic image of a young, Black father taking care of his baby, changing diapers, and looking happy while doing it would help explain that concept.

Blair, I.V., Ma, J.E., & Lenton, A.P. (2001). Imagining stereotypes away: The moderation of implicit stereotypes through mental imagery. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 81, 828-841.

Blair, I.V. & Banaji, M.R. (1996). Automatic and controlled processes in stereotype priming. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70, 1142-1163.

  1. Summarize your search strategy (use of keywords, boolean search operators).

I learned during the Curator kick-off session that nappy is a repository of high-resolution photos of Black and Brown individuals. So, I searched for an image on nappy.co. I did not use any keywords. I scrolled through the images and selected the one that would support the students’ understanding of the concept of counterstereotype.

  1. Does this image incorporate diversity and inclusion? Yes, this image incorporates diversity and inclusion because it comes from a repository that promotes Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and is used specifically to address this topic.


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