4 Activity Responses

Teacher for Learning Module

Curator Module

    “Consider This” activity

    • Response for Consider This Activity

       Link to the image that you have found, citing the source, creator, and license. LINK: https://images.nappy.co/uploads/large/20191208-7z8a1333-scaled-21595702068ervqgeckjl7ddwpr1v5n2ttrzihxlnxzykcyw0vysqqdosmscayly5seieihdtpp6ybmimgcuktcs8eh83hqi6k5n26darwcjkq6.jpg?auto=format&w=1280&q=75 SOURCE: https://nappy.co/ LICENSE : CC0 1.0 Deed / CC0 1.0 Universal / Creative Commons. Public Domain. Describe how your selection would support learners’ understanding of an element or concept for a course. The image I selected depicts a young more... »

Scholar Module

88 Activity Resources

Teacher for Learning Module

Collaborator Module

Technologist Module

Experimenter Module

Curator Module

Scholar Module