Cornell Notes: 5 Pillars of Effective Leadership

A response to the Cornell Notes Activity
created by Mona Brennan-Coles (@MonaBC)

Number of views: 986

For this exercise, I watched the Ted Talk “5 Pillars of Effective Leadership” by Ari Zucker (

I found it difficult to follow this particular talk because each time the speaker listed the 5 characteristics the order was different.  Also, I tended to go directly to key ideas — I think because this talk wasn’t coherently organized for me.

Because I take notes digitally rather than long hand, I created a Word document based on the Cornell notes format.

Many years ago, I learned about note taking with different coloured pens (I wonder if the person who told me about this approach was actually describing the Cornell Notes approach).  I didn’t last long with the coloured pens — it was very disruptive for me.    My notes consisted of notes with summary ideas highlighted by drawing circles around them.  For me, taking very detailed notes has always been a way of learning.  And since I seldom go  back through my notes, the legibility wasn’t that important to me.  When I was asked to take minutes of critical meetings,  attendees often commented it felt like I had recorded everything that had been said.

I can see how notes taken this way could result in great study notes for exams.

Example for "Cornell Notes: 5 Pillars of Effective Leadership":

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