What keeps you going? What motivates you? We’ve provided a list that describes potential benefits to help motivate you to become more engaged in SoTL activities, the WIIFM value! Reflect upon the things that make you love teaching and complete the following activity.

  • Improved outcomes and assessment scores.
  • Useful data for assessments, program reviews, retention strategies, and accreditation processes.
  • Faculty development opportunities.
  • Increased reflection on teaching and learning among colleagues.
  • Stronger institutional values on teaching and learning.
  • Promotion of new networks among members at institutions.
  • Scholarship opportunities in the form of presentations and publications.
  • Opportunity for outside funding to support program innovation.
  • Renewed excitement about teaching and learning, and greater self-awareness.

To Do:

  1. From the list of potential benefits above, pick the top three statements that would motivate you to become more engaged in SoTL activities. You might also consider benefits not included on the list.
  2. Return to the shared document where you added your Three Keys for SoTL (for Three Keys activity). Below your entry (from 3 Keys of SoTL) include the top three motivations you chose from this list.
  3. Review and add comments to the motivations contributed by other participants.
  4. In your response for this activity:
    • List the 3 motivations.
    • Upload a screenshot of your contribution as evidence for your response to this activity.
    • Optional: Include any additional motivators.
  5. After you make your submission, save the web address to your response (found in the green confirmation box) so you can use it later for your badge submission form.

This activity is part of the What is the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL)? section of the Scholar Module.

Complete This Activity

After you complete this activity please share a link to it and a description so it can be added to the responses below. You can add it directly to this site.

Add A Response

Resources for this Activity

Have you created a helpful guide or do you know one that might help others complete this activity? You can share a resource if it is available at a public URL. .

Add a Resource

133 Responses for this Activity

  • Scholar Activity #2
    by Baljeet Bilkhu (@bbilkhu)

    Some of the motivations for using SoTL concepts are focused on: Improving retention and use of learning material by students; An increase in student engagement  Fostering a more collaborative environment within the classroom by getting input from students on their perspectives

  • Engage with SoTL
    by Rebecca MacAlpine (@rebecca.macalpine)

    My main motivation for engaging in SoTL practices is to find new and innovative ways to engage students and increase their competencies, accountability and joy in the classroom. By continuously reflecting and working towards this goal, I am constantly excited about how I might improve, while also hoping to encourage and motivate colleagues to approach more… »

  • Extend Activity #2 – Engage with SoTL
    by Tam Visser (@t_visser2)
  • Engaging with SofTL and Motivations – Carolyn Nesbitt-Larking
    by Carolyn Nesbitt-Larking (@Carolyn)

    Userful to be reminded of motivationsf as some days you forget why you are doing this.

  • Engage SoTL
    by winton cape (@winton)

    My motivation for pursuing SoTL include: To build on my lifelong learning skills by learning in the classroom; To utilize the Deming approach to teaching : Plan—>Do—>Study—>Act You Plan your lecture then Do it (deliver the lecture to students) then you Study the results then you Act to improve of modify the lecture so that more… »

  • Engage with SoTL
    by Afshan Jabeen (@ajabeen)

    Please find attached the motivation screenshot document here

  • Engage with SoTL
    by anh lam (@anhlam)

    Engage with SoTL – Motivators

  • Engage with SoTL
    by Ani Amirmooradian Malhami (@Ani)

    Attached is the activity.

  • Motivations
    by Peter Sheedy (@PeterS)

    See the attached screen shot

  • Engage with SoTL
    by Oday Aswad (@odayaswad)

    My motivations Improved outcomes and assessment scores: improving students’ outcomes comes from knowing the kind of audience and delivering the appropriated does of knowledge that match their capabilities and objectives. Faculty development opportunities: Learning about new trends like AI and data science has always been a passion to me to improve my methods. Renewed excitement more… »

    3 Resources for this Activity

    • 3 Motivations
      shared by Jenn Harren (@j_harren)

      3 Motivations: Increased reflection on teaching and learning among colleagues. I love the opportunity to learn from my peers and when we are virtual these days, it’s not happening as much (and even when we were face to face sometimes this doesn’t happen organically). I see this as a way to cultivate new relationships with more… »

    • Engage with SoTL
      shared by Lori Strauss (@lstrauss)

      3 Motivators Renewed excitement about teaching and learning, and greater self-awareness. Nothing is more motivating to me than student success. If making improvements can lead to success on the part of students there is no end to the enjoyment of teaching. Improved outcomes and assessment scores. To have control over the improvement of the students’ more… »

    • Motivations for Engaging in Personal Inquiry
      shared by Christopher Rowe (@ChristopherRowe)

      I happen to be in the process of pursuing a graduate degree in learning and technology, which aligns extremely well with the value represented in this exercise. As a result, the motivations listed here really resonate with me.

    Creative Commons License
    This work by Ontario Extend is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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