Throughout the Teacher for Learning module we’ve explored various types of metaphors for teaching and learning. Now it is time to put it together considering your own teaching philosophy. Reflect upon your own teaching philosophy.

What is your metaphor for
teaching and learning?


To do:

  1. Find a photo or draw a picture that can represent your own metaphor.
  2. Narrate why this image represents you and your approach as a teacher.
  3. After you make your submission, save the web address to your response (found in the green confirmation box) so you can use it later for your badge submission form.

This activity is part of the Metacognition section of the Teacher for Learning Module.

Complete This Activity

After you complete this activity please share a link to it and a description so it can be added to the responses below. You can add it directly to this site.

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Resources for this Activity

Have you created a helpful guide or do you know one that might help others complete this activity? You can share a resource if it is available at a public URL. .

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220 Responses for this Activity

  • Metaphor – Running
    by Adam Zalewski (@azalewski)

    I like to use metaphors that mean something to me outside of my profession. The image is a coach and a runner. I am an avid runner and find there are many similarities to being an instructor.   Every student’s journey is different. Like runners we have different goals. In a race, there is a cutoff more… »

  • Your Metaphor: Teaching is like cooking
    by Dora Tsang (@tsando)

    The image linked here contains the ingredients necessary for a night’s dinner. I use the metaphor of cooking to illustrate teaching. Both cooking and teaching involve preparation, creativity, adaptability, and the ability to handle unexpected situations.  Even when a teacher is fully prepared for their day’s lesson, unexpected challenges may arise, requiring them to adjust more… »

  • Your Metaphor = Gardener = Meme = Fun, Loving Educator
    by Rahul Mohla (@rmohla)

    Let’s use exercises from University of Waterloo’s Exploring your Teaching Philosophy: What do you, as an instructor, enjoy about learning? A radiation therapist relies on application. Therefore, I love to be able to learn new concepts and apply them. Most of the time I do so correctly, however you learn from your mistakes too, and more… »

  • Calmly Mentoring Trainees Even after they Flash the Film
    by Phillip McGregor (@PMcGregor)

    If the image is no longer available, it is of a father letting go of his daughter as she rides her bike without training wheels. Although I am not a teacher by profession, this does reflect my philosophy while performing on-the-job training when I worked in film, specifically when I worked with camera trainees. I more… »

  • Metaphor: Sailing
    by anh lam (@anhlam)

    In my role as project manager, I do find myself wearing the teacher hat often. I teach, guide and mentor our instructional designers, coop students, part-time developers, and faculty. Being aware that everyone has different learning styles and experiences, it is important for me to adapt and be flexible like sailing in the ocean. As more… »

  • Your metaphor for teaching –
    by Sam Gennidakis (@SGennidakis)

    Using some of the metaphors from In Mastering the teaching of Adults (Apps, J. (1991). Mastering the Teaching of Adults. Malabar, FL: Krieger Publishing Co., pp. 23-24), I see myself as both a travel guide and a challenger.  As noted in the vectors assignment, I love to assist people on their path of learning and more… »

  • My Metaphor resonates with me
    by Afshan Jabeen (@ajabeen)

    My Metaphor I found this image and it resonates with me. It reflects my thought process and teaching methodology well. I always strive to provide a safe and respectful learning environment for my students where they feel a sense of belonging. I tailor activities to meet individual student needs and am constantly seeking new ideas more… »

  • Metaphor
    by Lucas Prestes (@Lucas Plautz Prestes)

    For me, this image reflects a lot of my view of the relationship between teacher and student. A good teacher is one who transmits his ideas in the best possible ways, who stimulates, instigates and makes the student want to participate and wins. The teacher is a partner and in many moments the student may more… »

    by winton cape (@winton)

    I choose to use this graphic to represent the learning journey. It is much like life … fraught with turns and bends and steps forward. We as educators are there to help learners navigate this terrain successfully.

  • My Metaphor
    by Peter Sheedy (@PeterS)

    I used 4 questions to flush out my teaching philosophy:  What do I enjoy about learning?     I enjoying challenges, discovering new ideas, new points of view, I enjoy being humbled, I enjoy being pushed out of my comfort zone What do I enjoy about teaching?   I enjoy the challenge.   I like that I am more… »

    3 Resources for this Activity

    Creative Commons License
    This work by Ontario Extend is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


    1.  T-minus 3…2…1…Liftoff! – Not-So-Distant Learning

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