Identifying operant conditioning contingencies in general can be tricky and negative reinforcement is a concept that is commonly misunderstood. One reason may be that regular usage of the term ‘negative’ often encourages students to think of this as a qualifier meaning ‘bad’ which they naturally will associate with punishment rather than reinforcement. Negative reinforcement refers more… »
This is a structural map I developed for my 3rd year statistics course. I also developed a content map to elaborate the concepts covered in the course. My next task is to develop a strategies and activities map. I have used mapping before in teaching, but never appreciated its value in my own course design.
Providing active learning opportunities in an asynchronous Intro Psych course Intro psychology is a common course that is usually taught without much creativity or change in content over time (at least for some topics like history of the field and biology of the brain). I’d like to provide a way for students to interact with more… »