Empathy Map for Group and Self Evaluations

A response to the Empathy Map Activity
created by Kendra Allen (@Kendra)

Number of views: 248

In one of my courses there are group and/or self evaluations. Each student is provided with a template that consists of questions, rubrics and/or a legend for providing a grade to themselves and/or group members. Some of my learners have never had to complete a self or group evaluation that goes beyond the basic yes/no response and worth very few to no marks.

However, they are in a management program and being able to provide honest and helpful comments in an evaluation is going to be part of their job. Some are confused with the concept of the evaluation being a big part of their assignments and that honesty, factual and constructive feedback are key to earning a good mark.

My empathy map is based on conversations with my learners and other faculty.