Holy CRAAP applied to Work Life Balance

A response to the Holy CRAAP! Activity
created by Connie Palmer (@ConniePalmer)

Number of views: 327

The CRAAP test is great! What a smart way to review the OER material and decide what is relevant and valid. I found an infographic, an animated video and a website that certainly support my topic – Work Life Balance.

As I have been learning throughout these modules, my students all learn in different ways. I feel really good about presenting all 3 of these OERs as they all come at the topic of Work Life Balance from a different approach but they all support the importance of the topic.

I plan to use the animated video during an online class to divide the class into breakout sessions and generate a discussion. I will provide the students with a link to the infographic on Work Life Balance as a supporting document that will allow them to visualize the topic at hand. I will use the website that provides access to global Work Life Balance ratings and ask each student to research 2 countries of interest and enter their finding and thoughts in a discussion format.

These tools are real gems and are certain to add interest and deeper learning to my Work Life Balance teaching!


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