Hypotheses in Scientific Research

A response to the Find Your Fit Activity
created by Dorina Grossu (@dgrossu)

Number of views: 466

I started the course “The current Topics in Quality Engineering” at the beginning of this semester. I thought that finding resources that would help me to increase student’s active learning and online class participation based on scientific would be easy.

Since this course had to be based on scientific research that students performed during the online sessions, I added the Hypotheses tool such that students could annotate directly on LMS. What I actually find it as challenging, it was to provide enough examples from the scientific literature such that each student could formulate several hypotheses.  In the real-world, data is never collected before formulating the hypothesis, therefore, I used different resources to find information. Based on the links that were listed in OER I could find only one resource that met the course’s requirements.
