I am an Experimenter

A response to the I’m an Experimenter! Activity
created by Tatiana Sharipova (@note2tatiana)

Number of views: 84

I am an Experimenter Assignment

1. Which three experimenter activities did you choose to complete and why? Include the links to your Activity Bank responses.

I have chosen to do a Padlet, the UDL Challenge Explorer and Giphy activities. I have chosen the padlet , as I find it useful for both positions I am employed at: Learning Resources manager ( Librarian) and an Instructor. My padlet is currently serving the faculty as a reference page for resource on academic Writing, Business courses and also Accounting courses I am teaching. I have also decided to do a Gyphy activity as I find it is important to remind students through the course about important things like plagiarism and cheating. And the medium for those reminders should be familiar to Gen Z users. Our multilingual students use snapchats and other chats to communicate, so I have chose the media that would better suit their information literacy skills. I have also chosen to do a UDL challenge as I am also supervising an Accessibility/Test center and wanted to be more familiar with this resource. It was a huge joy to go over those chapters. Padlet: Writing Support for ESL college students and Much More_PadLet | Extend Activity Bank (ecampusontario.ca) UDL: Create an Activity that Builds Community in Your Class_Accounting Class | Extend Activity Bank (ecampusontario.ca) Gyphy: A Serious Use For Silly Media_Cheating and Plagiarizing part 2:) | Extend Activity Bank (ecampusontario.ca)

2. Identify and explain three overall lessons learned from experimenting with these three activities. How might you use these activities going forward in your teaching practice? As it was noted in the OISE study New OISE-led studies reveal a simple, yet effective, strategy to combat academic dishonesty | Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (utoronto.ca) , students simply need to be reminded on time regarding important thing. I will be using gyphy for both – explaining important concept in accounting, like debit and credit (students tend to confuse which side is which), and also as an announcement (a deadline to submit projects or additional help sessions). I will continue to use Padlet as a person library on resources for academic writing and as an online depository for additional resources on cases, tests and quizzes. I have never heard of the UDL and I will implement some of the suggestion I found on other participants responses to gain students engagement and interaction.

3. You were asked to complete at least one experimenter activity on a tablet or a smartphone. Identify the activity completed and on what type of mobile device?

I chose to use Gyphy on a PC and a smartphone. It was difficult for me to use a phone, until I realized I need to use the app . Then it was much easier that on a PC.

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