It’a alive – Anki presentation

A response to the It’s Alive! Activity
created by Sam Gennidakis (@SGennidakis)

Number of views: 211

My learner challenge was to find a digital technology to support students with knowledge retention that can be used in anatomy and physiology to assist with test preparation. Given the breadth of information and number of singular items and concepts in anatomy and physiology courses to remember, it can be challenging for students to prepare and retain information as noted from course evaluations, learning plans and meetings with students directly.   The use of the empathy map from this exercise and review of stop/start/continue and course evaluations helped me get a better sense of the challenges of students and their need for additional resources for support and memory retention.

My ideation process included building a list of challenges faced by the students in memorization of the various topics discussed within the course and how best to provide them with a tool that allows them to still study the material, but then have a review tool that can help them also track their progress.  I chose to explore flashcards, or other technologies specific to anatomy and physiology to help with their preparation and organization of thoughts as well as retention prior to test taking

I reviewed the ANKI program for intelligent flashcards and used the sections model and found the program to be accessible and easy to use and overall can be integrated into curriculum as a group assignment as part of the introduction to the program for use.  In terms of prototyping, I used the planning document to derive a introduction presentation which is also my planned implementation  ( a PowerPoint slide deck, see attached) quickly introducing the program and its use as well as resources for students to use to implement as part of their study process.  This would be something to introduce to students during the course introduction and specifically in the sections outlining ways to succeed in the course.    This would help students get situated at the beginning of the course to begin their studying and flashcards which will help with preparation for the 3 respective term tests in the program.