Mapping your Personal Learning Network (PLN)

A response to the Mapping your PLN Activity
created by Sidney (@data_professor)

Number of views: 772


I thought this was a very interesting activity because it parallels something we recently did in MKT1005. In that example, students researched the hashtag #UnitedBreaksGuitars and wrote an essay on what the tweets around the subject, actors, or other factors meant. This is an important point as meaning, or why things are grouped as they are, is an important considering when mapping social networks. If nodes cluster, we really want to know how and why, and understand the relationship they have. To do this particular assignment, the students used a twitter mapping website called SocioViz which I will use to map my twitter network. We can then explore who is in it, and why. Since my twitter is only used for professional purposes, and most of my tweets are about my field of data analytics, it should be easy to make sense of.