Prototype Planning

A response to the Prototype Planning Activity
created by Charlotte de Araujo (@cdearauj)

Number of views: 215

I enjoyed working on the Prototype planning activity, because it allowed me to identify and reflect on the tasks/tentative number of hours to create the activity.  In particular, identifying the tasks was especially useful because these can be divided into smaller units once mapped out.  For instance, while a larger portion of hours will be dedicated to research, this will be distributed over a longer period of time compared to creating a script.  I used the  Technology-Enabled Learning Activity Planning Document to map out the planning process and have attached an overview.  To help with video creation I will also check out the “Creating Videos” section from the “The How To’s” list.

Following creating this prototype I would like to have the opportunity to collect feedback from students and my colleagues.  Hopefully, their suggestions can be used to modify the assignments.