Share Your SoTL Research Plan

A response to the Share Your SoTL Research Plan Activity
created by Victoria Jackson (@victoriaj)

Number of views: 78

I was not able to upload the file to the drive so I’ve uploaded it here and included my image in the file. The reflection is copied below:


SotL Reflection:


I really struggled with this module. I found there was a lot of overlap with other modules (collaborate, experimenter, teacher for learning) but I found it difficult to turn teaching into a scientific project. The rigidity of an experiment’s procedure removes the element of spontaneity which I think is so important in teaching. So this was a difficult mindset for me to get into.

That said, I did find the activity useful in that it lays out how to address a problem in teaching in a very systematic way. So I think this kind of planning would be a great starting point for a lot of every day issues that come up in teaching.

I did find it difficult to pick just one issue, but once I did, I did enjoy the process of thinking through the implications of the various learning outcomes I wanted to gauge. My research question revolved around: how do we increase productive class engagement and participation to better support learning?

From there I considered what I’d seen in the classroom, what challenges had been identified (through student surveys, and through conversations with learners over time about their participation), etc. To try and ensure learners would feel more comfortable participating in class, I considered doing circle work instead of calling upon individuals for comment; in a virtual setting, I also included the written chat function as viable participation. To remove some of the stress around presentations and other kinds of demonstrations of knowledge, I wanted to switch assessment to a self-assessment model, so that learners can reflect on what they’ve learned and how they can use it going forward. It still shows that students have learned the material, but its less stressful.

For dissemination of the project, in my SoTL plan I talked about sharing the results of the project with the Teaching and Learning Centre, so it could be disseminated more widely than I’d be able to with just my network.

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